上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会(HOTELEX Shanghai)是目前国内规模大、影响力强、品质高的酒店餐饮博览会之一。
本届博览会包含共计11个馆,总体展出面积达30万平方米,HOTELEX Shanghai旗下专业版块分别包括:餐饮设备、桌面用品、咖啡与茶、饮料综合、烹饪食材、烘焙、冰淇淋、葡萄酒与烈酒等主题展区,汇聚了来自中国内地、意大利、西班牙、美国、德国、日本及港澳台等国家和地区的展商。
Dairy, Raw Coffee Supplies, Bakery Ingredients, Cake Decorating Material, Others Bakery Equipment & Supplies
乳制品 , 咖啡原物料及相关用品, 烘焙原料, 蛋糕装饰材料, 其他烘焙设备及物料
To be a world leader in Taste and Nutrition serving the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries, and a leading supplier of added value brands and customer branded foods to international markets. Through the skills and wholehearted commitment of our employees, we will be leaders in our selected markets - excelling in product quality, technical and marketing creativity and service to our customers.Combining art, craft and science to enable baristas to create theatrical recipes without limitation, DaVinci Gourmet brings a unique palette of flavours to your traditional offering of speciality beverages.
作为世界食品配料与风味生产企业的,凯爱瑞集团拥有23,000 位员工,遍及全球六大洲,拥有一个共同的目标:致力于打造人们喜爱和有益健康的产品,愉悦、滋养全球消费者。达芬奇果美作为凯爱瑞旗下全球排名的风味品牌,将艺术追求,工匠精神以及科学态度视为品牌的灵魂,力求为每一杯饮品都带来的风味体验,成就大师级的传世饮品。
Beverage, Bontique Tea, Traditional Tea, Tea Set
饮品, 精品茶 , 传统茶 , 茶类器具及工艺品
Hälssen & Lyon - Your Quality Partner for Quality Brands Hamburg-based tea experts Hälssen & Lyon offer private-label customers the convenience of a one-stop-shop - from customised tea recipes and innovative tea concepts to the finished package on store shelves. As the company looks back at a history of 140 years in the international tea business, their customers can benefit from a worldwide network of chosen longstanding partners among producers in the origin countries. Raw materials are sourced worldwide to be refined, blended, flavoured and customised in their own production facilities in Germany. The range of products comprises classic high-quality leaf teas, flavoured fruit and herbal teas, flower teas, individual blends as well as a broad range of instant products. Hälssen & Lyon is active in all international markets and translates these trend insights into innovative and customised packaging solutions. The best quality partner for quality brands.
总部在汉堡的专业茶叶公司Haelssen & Lyon为您的自有品牌提供一站式解决方案。 我们从世界各茶叶原产地采购品质的原料,使用我们德国的自有生产设备,在德国进行精制、混合、调味和定制。我们的产品系列包括经典的高品质茶、香味水果茶和草本茶、花茶、各种不同的拼配茶以及一大批速溶茶产品。
- 地址:上海市嘉定工业区叶城路912号J6686室(注册地址)
- 电话:13671856722
- 联系人:吴妮娜
- 手机:13661406349
- 微信:13671856722
- Email:2027288488@qq.com