Suzhou desai kitchen equipment co., LTD. Is a focus on management of food processing machinery and central kitchen equipment company, headquartered in Taiwan, as well as foreign advanced meat, vegetables and fruit processing technology, the craft is recommended for our users. The food processing machinery mainly includes Taiwan fruit and vegetable cutting, cleaning and meat cutting equipment. The central kitchen mainly operates dishwasher, various kinds of wok, automatic rice production line. Our product is suitable for use in food processing plants, clean vegetables processing center, breakfast project, chain catering enterprises, large supermarket, board, schools, units, enterprises and institutions of logistics central dining room and kitchen, distribution center, etc. Fruit and vegetable cutting equipment mainly include: various fruits and vegetables cutting, cutting, slicing machine, sweet corn threshing machine, potato chip machine, garlic machine, etc Meat processing equipment mainly includes: meat cutting machine, meat grinder, meat cutting machine, bone cutting machine, cutting
德赛斯厨房设备简介 苏州德赛斯厨房设备有限公司专注于:净菜加工设备,中央厨房设备,食品加工机械。并且能够提供净菜加工,中央厨房一站式解决方案。 我们的产品主要来自台湾一线品牌,另外还有一部分韩国,日本品牌产品。 我们的产品适用于食品加工厂、净菜加工中心、早餐工程、连锁餐饮企业、大型超市、团膳、学校、部队、企事业单位的后勤
上海酒店用品展是国内zui大的酒店用品展 ,辐射全国餐饮及酒店用品行业
主办单位:.上海博 华国际展览有限公司
开展时间: 2021年3月28日-31日(四天)
展出面积: 40万平方米,14个馆
Kitchen Environmental Protection Equipment, Kitchen Accessories and Supplies, Kitchen Food Processing Machinery , Kitchen Equipment Production and Processing Machinery
厨房环保设备, 厨房辅助设备及用品, 厨房食品加工机械, 厨房设备生产加工机械
顺达厨房设备厂是一家以生产商用炉灶为主的厨房设备制造企业。十几年来专注于商用灶具的生产,本着品质为先合作共赢的方针, 推出八大系列四十多个品种,产品包括电磁灶,电热灶,燃气灶等。顺达厨业规范化管理,相继通过了全国工业产品生产许可证,营业执照,中国各项节能环保认证。采用流水线生产,全模具化,根据不同地区,不同需求生产合适的产品。
- 地址:上海市嘉定工业区叶城路912号J6686室(注册地址)
- 电话:13671856722
- 联系人:吴妮娜
- 手机:13661406349
- 微信:13671856722
- Email:2027288488@qq.com