Leisure Food, Organic and Functional Food
休闲食品, 及功能食品
“Thais with a twist- from the local goodness to lifestyle goodies” Tropical Fruits Fusion is a ‘feel good’ company that aims to put smiles on faces and refresh the world with our lifestyle confectionary snacks. We’re committed to bringing out the best in our tasty local ingredients, each of which has its own story to tell, whilst creating value and seeking to make a difference. Frappy use the best tropical fruit that Thailand has to offer to make a sweet and sour gummy that is at once juicy, chewy and distinctively Thai. With Frappy, you can enjoy the flavour of real fruit in a fun and playful way. Currently, our Frappy gummy flavors are mango with vitamin C+, pineapple passion fruit with vitamin C+, young coconut with calcium and mangosteen with collagen plus.
上海酒店用品展是国内zui大的酒店用品展 ,辐射全国餐饮及酒店用品行业
主办单位:.上海博 华国际展览有限公司
开展时间: 2021年3月28日-31日(四天)
展出面积: 40万平方米,14个馆
展品范围 餐饮设备综合、咖啡与茶、桌面用品、葡萄酒与烈酒、饮品综合、烹饪食材、冰淇淋、烘焙、餐饮配套
上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会(HotelexShanghai) 已经在国内举办了30届,是目前全球范围内大的酒店餐饮展之一。2021年时值HOTELEX上海展会三十周年,展会将进入新的发展阶段,移师虹桥国家会展中心(上海),总体展出面积近40万平方米,参与买家超过16万人。展会立足于酒店餐饮,咖啡,烘培,酒吧,会所,商超等商业业态,提供的 “采购殿堂” ,是国内餐饮行业嫁接全球咨询,产品,并推动国内餐饮行业发展的重要风向标平台。
Other Foods, Hotpot Ingredients, Frozen Foods
其他食品, 火锅食材, 冷冻食品
- 地址:上海市嘉定工业区叶城路912号J6686室(注册地址)
- 电话:13671856722
- 联系人:吴妮娜
- 手机:13661406349
- 微信:13671856722