Zhejiang Greentown GAI Technology Co., Ltd. ("Greentown GAI" for short), with a registered capital of RMB 50 million,is subordinate to Greentown Architectural Technology Group Co., Ltd., as the first innovative company engaged in the whole house prefabricated decoration in Greentown. The company has put forward the unique idea of BIM+SI space design methodology and the “AHS” whole house prefabricated decoration solution based on the eight industrialized product systems. Greentown GAI is the external extension of the core value of Greentown,which is "Sincerity, Kindness, Exquisiteness, Perfectness ". Adhering to the concept of "Safety, Health, Comfort and High-Tech", Greentown GAI is constantly improving the product system with quality as the cornerstone, prefabricated interior technology and material system as the body, and four product series as the support. At the same time, Greentown GAI Integrates smart life aesthetics into space study, and provides comprehensive and integrated solutions for beautiful life.
E6、智慧酒店及商业空间、智能门锁、影音系统、机器人、智能影音系统、智能客控系统、自助入住系统、酒店智能设备及整体解决方案、 IT 及安防、数据标识及导视系统、商业显示屏、音响及播放系统等;
E4、工程设计、装配式内装、集成吊顶系统;新风净化及空气治理 、暖通设备、热水及热泵管道设备 ;门窗及自动门;康体休闲、健身器材、康体 、亲子游乐、泳池设备等;
E1、卫浴及整体解决方案、整体浴室、智能马桶、浴室柜、淋浴房、智能浴镜、花洒、地漏五金、台面系统、 spa等;
酒店展二期-酒店工程及商业空间系列展是专为酒店、商场,餐厅,办公楼,医院等各类商业空间而特别打造的提供整体解决方案的一站式采购平台,全面展示建筑与装饰,工程与设计,空间与陈设,家具与照明,软装与灯饰,清洁与环保,智能与休闲的产品、服务和解决方案于一体的大型超级展览会。作为酒店展一期上海国际酒店用品博览会的有效延伸和扩展,酒店展二期HOTEL PLUS定位于侧重展示酒店餐厅商场等各类商业空间的建筑装饰,工程设计,家具照明,空间陈设、零售业和连锁加盟等产品,与原有一期展会主打展示酒店客房,餐饮设备,食品饮料,桌面用品等板块深度结合,从而构建40万平米,4000家参展商,20万海内外买家的全球超级酒店行业航母级展会。
公司位于宿迁市,生产面积20000平方米,注册资本21500万元。 公司组建中外联合专家团队历时20年研发全环保无溶剂靹米皮,靹米皮具备环保、耐用、抗污、色彩丰富、纹理独特等物理特性,可应用于建材、家具、车饰、箱包、服饰、鞋履六大品类现已生产千余种产品。
The company is located in Suqian City, with a production area of 20000 square meters and a registered capital of 215 million yuan. The company has set up a joint Chinese and foreign expert team for 20 years to research and develop environmentally-friendly solvent-free rice husk, which has the physical characteristics of environmental protection, durability, anti pollution, rich color and unique texture. It can be applied to six categories of building materials, furniture, car accessories, bags, clothing, shoes and shoes, and has produced more than 1000 kinds of products.
- 地址:上海市嘉定工业区叶城路912号J6686室(注册地址)
- 电话:13671856722
- 联系人:吴妮娜
- 手机:13661406349
- 微信:13671856722
- Email:2027288488@qq.com