Dairy, Frozen Foods, Precast Products, Baking Raw Material, Semi, Ice Cream Equirpment, Drinks Raw Material
乳制品, 冷冻食品, 预制产品, 烘焙原辅料, 烘焙半成品, 冰淇淋原辅料, 饮品原料
Namchow Food Group (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., affiliated with Taiwan-headquartered Namchow Group, has established its name as a trend leader in China market after 23 years of strenuous effort. It manufactures products including baking oil & fat, frozen dough, whipping cream, soft serve (icecream), flour paste, butter cream, etc., and imported famous European dairy products. Namchow has first introduced the concept of all-rounded consulting service backed by a team of highly professional bakers through its country-wide service network. As a strategic partner of its clients, Namchow is dedicated to the growth of its clients, and to the prosperity of the baking industry in China.
南侨食品集团(上海)股份有限公司,由台湾南侨集团投资,在大陆从事食品行业20余载,产品涵盖烘焙用油脂、冷冻面团、奶浆、进口稀奶油、进口黄油以及芝士等乳制品,成为食品业界巨擘。 南侨首创360度全方位顾问式服务,透过强大的技术团队,落实贴近市场的“巨架构、微服务”,为客户事业的发展、烘焙业的成长倾力奉献。
Instant Foods, Moslem Food, Hotpot Ingredients, Frozen Foods, Precast Products
方便食品, 清真食品, 火锅食材, 冷冻食品, 预制产品
The noodle expert The Duroyal has produced noodles more than 20 years, the first priority we concerned the most is the safe food. We do checking every process strictly, from food resourcing, manufacturing process, storage to logistics, making sure all the source is safe and traceability No Preservative, no Pesticides and no additional additive. We use scientific way and serious attitude to pursuit the delicious noodles.
面的专家, 为食安把关 皇家杜老爷专研制面20年来, 食品安全是我们管理把控的重中之重! 从原料采购, 生产制程, 储存到物流, 层层严格把关; 建构完善的朔源体系, 保障了原料的安全及可追朔性, 无防腐剂, 无农药残留, 无有害健康添加剂 皇家杜老爷对食品安全的管理一丝不苟 追求美味, 要有科学的方法和严谨的态度
上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会(HOTELEX Shanghai)是目前国内规模大、影响力强、品质高的酒店餐饮博览会之一。HOTELEX Shanghai旗下版块分别包括:餐饮设备、桌面用品、咖啡与茶、饮料综合、烹饪食材、烘焙、冰淇淋、葡萄酒与烈酒等主题展区,汇聚了来自中国内地、意大利、西班牙、美国、德国、日本及港澳台等国家和地区的展商。在这场堪称国内酒店餐饮业年度采购盛典的舞台上上演了集竞赛、展示、研讨及贸易配对等多重精彩纷呈的好戏,为国内及甚至国际酒店餐饮行业的蓬勃发展做出了不可估量的促进作用。
- 地址:上海市嘉定工业区叶城路912号J6686室(注册地址)
- 电话:13671856722
- 联系人:吴妮娜
- 手机:13661406349
- 微信:13671856722