福建鑫至宇智能设备有限公司是一家位于福州海峡西岸经济区的高科技创新型企业,成立于 2006年。公司目前主要从事智能快递柜、智能售货机、智能售图书机、智能盒饭机、智能生鲜柜、智能便利柜等智能自助终端的研发、生产、组装、安装及售后服务。公司拥有高端成套的数控冲床、数控折弯、激光切割机、冲、压、铆、焊、接等设备,自动静电喷涂流水线,并不断引进先进
Established in2003, TCN is a hightech enterprise with Research and Development, Manufacturing and Sales all in one, the company niow has a total coverage of 200,000 square meters and the factory takes 150,000 of them, a fixed asset of up to 500 million Yuan. Its factory possesses the most sophisticated equipment in the world that enables a maximum annual productivity of 300,000 machines. Established in2003, TCN is a hightech enterprise with Research and Development, Manufacturing and Sales all in one, the company niow has a total coverage of 200,000 square meters and the factory takes 150,000 of them, a fixed asset of up to 500 million Yuan. Its factory possesses the most sophisticated equipment in the world that enables a maximum annual productivity of 300,000 machines. TCN, with its safer and more intelligent machines iCloud service system and big data, makes complicated things easier aind creates a new intelligent retailing era.
中吉创始于2003年,是一家集研发、生产、销售于一体的国家高新技术企业,现拥有厂房面积20万余㎡,年产能高达30万台,固定资产超5亿元。 目前售卖产品:智能寻址机、智能盒饭机、-18度冷冻机、无人商店等全系列产品,为各领域客户提供全球的智能解决方案。 将繁复化作简便,打造智能零售设备,开拓全新智能零售时代。
Point Smart is a leading company focused on AIoT(AI+IoT) and devotes to the revolution of UEPS(Universal Electronic Payment Sysetm). It is also listed among the key investment projects of Black Hole Capital Group. Based on its core breakthrough in AIoT, Point Smart has integrated advanced technologies including computer vision recognition, gravity sensing,pedestrian trajectory tracking and smart payment, in order to set up new product lines for both hardware and software. Both lines of products are developed independently by Point Smart with all intellectual property rights completely owned. The technologies that Point Smart has developed are already powering commercial business spanning across convenience stores, bakeries, fast-food restaurants, bookstores and specialty retail stores all over China.
织点智能是一家专注在通用支付变革的AIoT公司,黑洞投资重点投资项目。 织点智能以AIoT技术为核心,深度融合计算机视觉识别、重力传感、行人轨迹跟踪、AI智能支付等前沿科技,打造硬件软件两大产品线,软硬件核心均为织点智能自主研发打造,拥有完全知识产权。 织点智能先后在全国赋能多家便利店、烘焙店、快餐店、书店及特色零售店。
售货机范围(1)自动售货机- 出售瓶装/罐装饮料、袋装零食、巧克力及糖果等食品饮料自动售货机;
- 出售咖啡、茶、巧克力、牛奶、果茶等热饮料自动售货机;
- 出售匹萨、炸薯条、炸薯片、爆米花、快餐和快餐面等加热食品的自动售货机;
- 出售冰激凌、冷冻酸乳、冰棒、雪糕、预包装冷冻食品等冷冻食品自动售货机;
- 出售鲜榨果汁、三明治、热狗、牛排、香肠、大闸蟹等专卖商品自动售货机
- 出售棒棒糖、口香糖、咖啡胶囊和罐装零食等不通电小型等散装小商品自动售货机(扭蛋机);
- 出售鸡蛋、水果、蔬菜、食用油、啤酒等日用食品自动售货柜;
- 出售各类饮料、零食、快餐等综合食品的无店员自助微型超市,全系列组合式自动售货机零售店, 无人微店(无店员自助结算便利店)。
计算机、软件及数据处理,远程监控系统、远程通讯系统、路线运营系统、车辆活动记录系统、数据收集与报告系统、无线天线、 GPS全球定位系统、电子商务应用等。
(4)自动售货设备零部件自动售货机零配件,如机壳、钣金件、数字标牌、触摸屏、电子控制板、制冷设备、加热设备、 净水设备及系统、泵、微电机、弹簧、线束、锁具/安防系统、报警系统、照明、按键/键盘、开关等;
- 地址:上海市嘉定工业区叶城路912号J6686室(注册地址)
- 电话:13671856722
- 联系人:吴妮娜
- 手机:13661406349
- 微信:13671856722
- Email:2027288488@qq.com