Tianjin shenzhou shanglong technology co. LTD is a high-tech enterprise specialized in providing overall solutions of informatization and management consulting services for catering enterprises. Product brand "TIANCAI SHANGLONG" was founded in 1998, is a domestic catering information brand with profound industry background。 Three Product Lines WUXIANG CRM system FENGXING SCM system
The Sichuan Run abundant meat produce limited company had been established in 1999, is the provincial level agriculture industrial production main item enterprise, has the honor to receive many times the place famous specialty superior product title. The main product has the cow (sheep) the meat product, roasts the intestines, the sauce halogen, the salt sacrificially, the leisure beef and so on five big series more than 100 lists
1糖果、巧克力、乳制品、面包糕点、果汁、软饮料、罐装食品、休闲食品、冷藏食品、调味品及果酱、风干食品、冷冻食品、水果蔬菜、美味食品、绿色及保健食品、冰淇淋 /意式冰淇淋、添加剂、橄榄油、意大利面制品、专用标签产品
2鱼、蟹、贝壳、龙虾、三文鱼、牛肉、牛肉、羊肉、猪肉、家禽、清真肉、内脏制品、内脏制品、加工肉制品、加工肉制 品、加工海洋制品
3茶、糖浆、白咖啡、速溶咖啡、咖啡豆、咖啡机、烘豆机、零配件、低温发酵啤酒、麦酒、黑啤酒 / 烈性黑啤酒、小麦啤酒、手工啤酒
4包装材料、食品餐饮设备、比萨饼设备、餐具及配件、展示及储藏、冷冻 / 冷藏设备、咖啡及饮料服务设备、工业用面包及糖果设备、配料 / 防腐剂 / 香精、面包糕点及糖果制成品、零售用面包及糖果设备等
2020FHC历时24年的发展, 已经成为业内的贸易展览。在中国餐饮行业巨大的市场需求下,FHC为各大跨国公司提供了进驻中国食品饮料市场的重要平台。2019年FHC上海环球食品展的展会面积已达18万平方米,观众133,751位,较上届增长13%,展商共计3500家,
- 地址:上海市嘉定工业区叶城路912号J6686室(注册地址)
- 电话:13671856722
- 联系人:吴妮娜
- 手机:13661406349
- 微信:13671856722
- Email:2027288488@qq.com