Tech G -10月14-16消费电子上海展
Tech G 旨在打造面向亚太及全球市场的科技行业盛会,将集中展示地区横跨不同市场的消费技术成果。首届展览将于2021年10月14日至16日在上海新国际博览中心举办,面积将达4万平方米,邀请约400家国内外科技企业参展,3万余名专业人士参观。届时,覆盖消费技术全生态链的19个产品类别将得到展示,包括5G、人工智能、AR/VR、汽车技术、移动通信、音视频、半导体芯片、物联网、智能家居、智能穿戴、智慧办公、智慧零售、游戏及娱乐、无人机、机器人、内容和在线平台、绿色科技、健康及运动科技、初创企业。其中新基建等大热方向的建设成果和新技术也将在品类交互中得到呈现
Dongguan World Class Intelligence Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise, mainly engaged in the development of IOT software and the production and sales of smart home products. We have our own independent core R&D team. Main research and development and production products: design and development of the overall solution of smart home, smart home central control series products, smart wireless security monitoring series products, etc.
Sunlik was founded in 1993, is a specialized smart leather products factory which with development, production and sales by ourselves. We had own factory building of 7,000 square meters, nearly 300 employees. The main products are: wireless charging wallet, smart charging wallet, home/office/car leather wireless charging products, leather wallets, PU wallets, personalized wallets, leather gits, etc. Sunlik focused on the pursuit of quality and taste, designed to provide consumers with quality leather products and services.
展会还会推出应用场景区,以更具未来感的方式展示先进科技的线下应用体验。展商更可 直接将技术运用进展会运营,全方位打造跨界、包容、触手可及的前沿科技。除产品类别 展示,展会还将呈现 4 场主题演讲,12 场会议论坛,并借助云上会展及自媒体平台,打造 数字化虚拟展馆、实时互动交易、智能商贸洽谈、全链路参会体验、线上展会服务、行业 大数据咨询等方向的智能数字化平台,并通过小程序和线上会议等手机端入口服务与会人 员。
- 地址:上海市嘉定工业区叶城路912号J6686室(注册地址)
- 电话:13671856722
- 联系人:吴妮娜
- 手机:13661406349
- 微信:13671856722