上海博华国际展览有限公司作为国内的展览互联网公司,是英富曼集团 (Informa PLC) (世界知名的B2B资讯服务集团及全球性展会主办单位)与上海华展国际展览有限公司共同设立的中外合作企业。作为国内的展览互联网公司,是英富曼集团 (Informa PLC) (世界知名的B2B资讯服务集团及全球性展会主办单位)与上海华展国际展览有限公司共同设立的中外合作企业。
Jiangsu happy shopping Technology Development Co., Ltd. is a holding subsidiary of Zhejiang Hi-Convenience Network Technology Co., Ltd. and is responsible for the sales services of Hi Convenience's technical products. The core team of the holding company comes from the executives and senior experts of the world's top 500 enterprises. They are deeply involved in the research of artificial intelligence and other technologies. They have many independent intellectual property rights and are committed to the design and development of intelligent terminal products. The company launched a dynamic visual recognition technology intelligent vending machine to solve the sales problem of "all kinds of goods" in unmanned sales, providing consumers with a free and convenient shopping experience.
Shandong USR IOT Technology Limited as a communication expert of industrial IoT, focus on serial data networking communication in IoT and M2M field. The company integrates R&D, manufacture and sales together, and has passed ISO9001 quality management system certification. Now, the USR IoT has hundreds of employees and tens of thousands of customers, several millions of products are sold all over the world, which enjoy very high brand awareness and reputation in the industry.
有人信息技术有限公司定位“可信赖的智慧工业物联网伙伴”,是工业物联网软硬件解决方案服务商,多年来专注联网传输工作,立志成为工业物联网领域的生态型企业。2018-2020年,公司连续获得达晨创投、深创投、红桥创投共计1亿元人民币战略融资。 有人集研发、生产、销售于一体,拥有各类专利和软件著作权近百余项。公司主要产品包括各类联网通讯终端、模组、物联网全产业链贸易、云平台、系统方案等,用联网的软硬件产品,帮助客户实现物联网化升级。 山东有人旗下包含济南有人物联网、上海稳恒科技、济南智泽贸易三家子公司,拥有员工470余名,服务客户10万余家,连接产品达千万级,在行业内有着较高的知名度和美誉度。“有人在认真做事”的企业文化,更是深入人心。 联网找有人,连接万物,成就你我
- 地址:上海市嘉定工业区叶城路912号J6686室(注册地址)
- 电话:13671856722
- 联系人:吴妮娜
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- Email:2027288488@qq.com