预包装食品 /Pre-packaged Food ;
Spain XRK sunflower cooking oil is originally produced by a Spanish famous brand factory founded in 1840. For one hunderd years,its sales volume has ranked in Spain for successive years and products have been distributed to more than 100 countries.This famous brand factory specializes in production of high quality cooking oil,mainly single series of high-end products such as sunflower oil and olive oil.It is one of the early manufacturers of cooking oil,featured with personalized products and services.And it has grown into a well-known brand enterprise in the cooking oil industry by providi
乳制品 /Dairy Products ; 油 /Edible Oil / Cooking Oil ; 大米 /Rice ; 主食 / 淀粉类食品 /Staple Food / Starch Products ; 清关/Custom Clearance ; 供应链服务 /Supply Chain Services ;
Specializing in the development, import and domestic distribution of foreign high-quality food sources. Utilizing the overseas resources and networks accumulated over the years, the products are directly sourced from the place of origin, and the product quality is guaranteed. The company's current main categories are imported grain and oil, and the main products are: Ukrainian sunflower oil, Spanish olive oil, Belarusian milk, Thai jasmine rice, Mark Xintian Russian high-gluten flour, etc.
食品:休闲食品、进口食品、营养健康食品、食品原料和有机食品及儿童食品 巧克力、冰激凌、糖果、饼干、糕点、蜜饯、果脯、甜食、膨化食品、坚果、乳制品、烘焙类、面包糕点、罐装食品、冷藏食品、调味品及果酱、风干食品、冷冻食品、水果、蔬菜、美味食品、绿色及保健食品、橄榄油、意大利面制品等
酒咖啡饮品:乳制品、功能性饮品、碳酸饮料、茶叶及茶饮品、凉茶、植物蛋白饮料、矿泉水、果汁、软饮料、糖浆、白咖啡、速溶咖啡、咖啡豆、咖啡机、烘豆机、低温发酵啤酒、麦酒 黑啤酒 / 烈性黑啤酒 小麦啤酒 手工啤酒 葡萄酒 威士忌、白兰地、鸡尾酒、洋酒烈性酒、传统白酒、及其他含酒类精饮品和酒配套、酒包装、酒器皿等
餐饮供应链&冷链:水产、肉类、果蔬、清真食品、冷冻冷鲜食品、果蔬保鲜食品、半成品、即食方便食品、预制菜肴、调味品、可食用油、生鲜等其它餐饮供应链配送食品食材。食品添加剂 冷链仓储设施及装备设备、冷链运输技术及设备、冷链信息技术及设备、商用冷柜、保鲜技术及包装材料等
包装&设备:包装材料、专用标签产品、食品餐饮设备、比萨饼设备、餐具及配件、展示及储藏、冷冻&冷藏设备、咖啡及饮料服务设备、工业用面包及糖果设备、配料 、 防腐剂、 香精、面包糕点及糖果制成品、零售用面包及糖果设备等
- 地址:上海市嘉定工业区叶城路912号J6686室(注册地址)
- 电话:13671856722
- 联系人:吴妮娜
- 手机:13661406349
- 微信:13671856722
- Email:2027288488@qq.com