透过饮品赛道审视整个餐饮业态,针对“餐+”新战场的痛点、 趋势,进行了的趋势预判和方向解读。8位餐企创始人、 高管,与300+现场的观众一起,引领风向前沿、下探行业深度。 Examining the entire catering industry via beverage, and providing the most authoritative trend forecast and interpretation of pain points and trends in the “catering+” new battlefield. Together with 300+ audience, eight food company founders and executives led and explored industry trends
美国蔓越莓饮品论坛 — — 蔓越莓功能特性及其在饮品中的创新应用 U . S . C r a n b e r r y B e v e r a g e F o r u m T h e F e a t u r e s a n d I n n o v a t i v e A p p l i c a t i o n s o f U . S . C r a n b e r r i e s i n B e v e r a g e
美国蔓越莓再次亮相2020年FHC蔓越莓饮品论坛, 本次论坛邀请到食品黄龙博士带来蔓越 莓的新行业信息,论坛主题演讲为《蔓越莓功 能特性及其在饮品中的创新应用》。 U.S. Cranberry will show up again at the 2020 FHC Cranberry Beverage Forum. This year, we will invite the food industry expert, Dr. Huang Long to bring us the latest industry information of cranberry. The keynote speech of this forum is "The Features and Innovative Applications of U.S. Cranberries in Beverage Industry". 论坛上黄龙博士着重介绍美国蔓越莓饮品的各个细分领域,尤其是咖啡及茶饮料、果汁能量饮料、功能性饮料、 小众口味饮料、NFC果汁等终端产品中关于蔓越莓及其提取物贡献的价值。现场与大家分享了美国蔓越莓的市场 概况、蔓越莓种植商、加工商的规模以及全球贸易趋势。 He will analyze the value of cranberry and its extract contribution in various segments of beverage industry, especially in terminal products such as coffee and tea beverage, juice energy drinks, energy drinks, niche flavor drinks and NFC juice. The overview of U.S. Cranberry and the scale of cranberry growers/processors in the United States as well as global trade will be shared with audiences.
■ 全球食品饮料企业云集
■ 现场论坛活动璀璨瞩目
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