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更新时间:2024-09-12 09:01:00

“ 行 业 之 力 ” 中 国 烘 焙 行 业 发 展 峰 会 2 0 2 0 " I n d u s t r y P o w e r " C h i n a B a k i n g I n d u s t r y D e v e l o p m e n t S u m m i t


如果说 2020 年的“行业之力” 与以往有什么不同,答案或许就在于烘焙展甚至烘焙行业可以不再 局限于烘焙专业领域,而是纵身一跃,跳出固有圈层,在餐饮与零售的综合领域里,去探寻烘焙行业 的增量市场空间。“跳出圈层,空前跨界”是本届峰会以及上海国际烘焙甜点及轻餐体验展的核心概 念,烘焙、餐饮、零售三大行业携手联动,打通壁垒、汇集业内外之力,拓展异业增量市场空间,将 烘焙行业的存量市场与异业增量市场实现内容互通、资源互通、渠道互通。烘焙,不止于烘焙,未来 定将大有可为! If there’s a difference between the “power of the industry” in 2020 and the earlier past, the answer may be that the bakery exhibition and even the bakery industry can no longer be confined to the professional field of baking. "Out of the Circle, Cross Border Unprecedentedly" is the core concept of this summit and the Shanghai International Bakery & Light Food Experience Exhibition. The three major industries of baking, catering, and retail work together to break through barriers, gathering inside and outside of different industry incremental market place, to make the content of stock market and cross-border incremental market exchange, access resources, connect channels. Baking is more than just baking, there is bound to be a lot to do in the future!


有界之外 — — 2020 中国烘焙新势力品牌分享会 2 0 2 0 B a k i n g N e w P o w e r B r a n d S h a r i n g M e e t i n g

中国烘焙行业正在进入一个理智阶段,这是从单纯模仿和市场流量期之后,烘焙行业的一个 自我成长的过程。借助中国市场独特的电子商务及微信销售的普遍性,很多新品牌借力崛起。 “有界之外”的观察视角,聚焦当产品方案百花齐放之时,迎接一个烘焙之外的新物种品牌 形式及营销形式。当产品思维和营销模式都在改变的时候,来看看这些新品牌在做什么。 China's baking industry is entering a rational stage, which is a process of self-growth of the baking industry from the period of pure imitation and market traffic. In addition, the unique e-commerce and WeChat sales in the Chinese market have led to the rise of many new brands. Outside of bounds, we are welcoming a new species brand form and marketing form outside of baking while we are in full bloom of product solutions. When product thinking and marketing models are changing, let’s see what these new brands are doing.




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