Tech G人工智能可穿戴设备展览会-消费电子展
Tech G 致力于为品牌推广提供理想的平台和机会,实现企业品牌增值,帮助建立合作伙伴关系。展会为参展企业提供多种推广机会,包括地面广告露出、官方线上推广、媒体资源对接、会议活动赞助、自媒体视频合作等等……让企业全方位 365 天收获行业关注,提高业内声誉。
Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000. Main scientific research and development fields of ASTRI include communications technology, electronic components, mixed signal system chips, advanced digital systems, optoelectronics, information security and data science, intelligent software and systems. Mainly used in financial technology, smart manufacturing, a new generation of communications networks, health technology and smart cities.
7invensun is a high-tech corporation dedicated in machine vision and Artificial Intelligence (AI), empowered by complete proprietary intellectual property rights. Since its foundation, the company has been focusing on R&D and innovation in eye tracking technologies, aiming to upgrade human-machine interactive experiences on all terminal devices.
Tech G
当前,上海正在努力建设成为有全球影响力的科创中心城市和国际会展之都。在全球经济经历新一轮发展变革,数字技术崛起带来产业深度融合以及全球产业链、价值链重构的大背景下,举办 Tech G 这一立足上海、聚焦亚太、链接全球的科技行业盛会,也是上海以开放、创新、包容的姿态促改革、促发展、促创新的又一例证
- 地址:上海市嘉定工业区叶城路912号J6686室(注册地址)
- 电话:13671856722
- 联系人:吴妮娜
- 手机:13661406349
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