近十年来全球食用植物油消费量增长趋势明显,中国、欧盟、印度已然成为食用油主要消费国的前三甲。2019 年,我国年食用植物油消费量排名世界,在3,818万吨左右,大幅超过第二位1,153万吨,占全球总消费量 的19.06%。据中国海关统计数字显示,2020年6月份我国食用植物油进口量为101.8万吨,1-6月份为 403.4万吨,与去年同期相比增加1%。随着我国人民生活品质的提高,无论是居家烹饪还是餐饮消费,食用植 物油的使用量都在庞大的基数上持续增长,进一步刺激了食用油的需求规模。 In the past ten years, the global consumption of edible vegetable oil has been increasing significantly. China, the European Union and India have become the Top-three consumers. In 2019, China's annual consumption of edible vegetable oil ranked first in the world, at 38.18 million tons, significantly exceeding the second place in terms of 11.53 million tons, accounting for 19.06 percent of the total global consumption. According to the latest statistics from China Customs, the import volume of edible vegetable oil in June 2020 was 1.018 million tons, and 4.034 million tons from January to June, increasing by 1% compared with the same period last year. With the improvement of the quality of life of Chinese people, the consumption of edible vegetable oil continues to grow on a large base whether in home cooking or food consumption, which further stimulates the demand scale of edible oil.
花生油 | 大豆油 | 芝麻油 | 橄榄油 | 核桃油 | 杏仁油 | 椰子油 | 米糠油 | 亚麻油 | 荠蓝油 | 山茶油 | 菜籽油 | 葵花籽油 | 葡萄籽油 | 玉米胚芽油 | 小麦胚芽油 |食盐 | 食糖 | 食醋 | 味精 | 鸡精 | 酱油 | 蚝油 | 鱼露 | 豆豉 | 调味料酒 | 复合调味料 | 西餐调味料 | 香辛料 | 火锅底料等 Peanut oil | soybean oil | sesame oil | olive oil | walnut oil | almond oil | coconut oil | rice bran oil | linseed oil | Kale oil | camellia oil | tea seed oil | rapeseed oil | sunflower oil | grape seed oil | Corn germ oil | wheatgerm oil | salt | sugar | vinegar | monosodium glutamate | chicken essence | soy sauce | oyster sauce | fish sauce | fermented soybean | seasoning wine | compound seasoning | western seasoning | spices | hotpot base seasoning and etc.
目前全球橄榄油年产量保持在300万吨左右;从我国橄榄油进口情况来看,对于高品质橄榄油的需求 持续上升。本届论坛将邀请国内外橄榄油学者共同探索“后疫情时代”全球橄榄油市场现状及发展趋 势,同时也将齐聚一堂分析橄榄油进出口贸易面临的挑战和机遇。议题将包括但不限于:后疫情时代的橄榄油 市场解读、橄榄油产品的新零售模式、橄榄油健康系数指南、直播带货趋势下的橄榄油销售等。 In recent years, global production of olive oil has remained around 3 million tons. From the perspective of China's olive oil import, which positively indicates the increasing domestic demand for high-quality olive oil. This year, we will invite big players in the industry to jointly explore the current situation and development trend of the global olive oil market in the "post-epidemic era” and discuss the challenges and opportunities for olive oil import and export. The topics will include, but are not limited to, "Post-Pandemic Era" olive oil market interpretation, New retail Model for olive oil products, Olive oil products and health, Olive oil sales under the trend of livestream e-commerce.