The company has been awarded more than 20 honorary titles, such as "Hunan contract abiding and trustworthy unit", "Hunan Banking Association trustworthy enterprise", "Yueyang AAA credit enterprise" and "Yueyang advanced tax payment unit". The company is a national high-tech enterprise. The facoty has certified by ISO9000 international quality management system , ISO14000 international environmental management system and its products are 3C qualified. At present, Tianxin technology has 8 popular brands, such as Jindaya, Tongxi, Tongle, and FRLS and etc. There are various kinds of products, such as full-polished glazed porcelain tiles, lappato tiles, anti-slip tiles, matt tiles,paver tiles and etc. The tile size covers a range of 150 * 600mm, 150 * 900mm, 300 * 300mm, 300 * 600mm, 450 * 900mm, 600 * 600mm, 600 * 900mm, 600 * 1200mm, 800 * 800 Mm, 900 * 900mm, etc.The thickness of tiles is from 8mm , 10mm, 13mm, 15mm, 16mm, 18mm to 20mm. Tianxin technology attaches great importance to the construction and cultivation of the marketing network. At present, the domestic sales network spreads over more than 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, and expands in depth to the third and fourth level markets. Its nine brands have more than 2000 sales outlets in China. In order to realize the global marketing strategy of the company's products, the company has set up a marketing operation center in Foshan Ceramics International Trading Center as export headquarters, which is a life experience Hall facing the domestic and foreign markets. At the same time, in the production base, each brand has its own image exhibition hall in the headquarters. The international sales network covers the world's five continents, covering the United States, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Germany, France, the United Arab Emirates, South Africa and other countries.
2010年9月29日,湖南天欣科技股份有限公司在天津股权交易所正式挂牌上市(代码:843006)。公司先后被授予“湖南省守合同重信用单位”、“湖南省银行业协会守信用企业”、“岳阳市AAA级信用企业”和“岳阳市纳税先进单位”等20余项荣誉称号。公司是国家高新技术企业, 已先后通过ISO9000国际质量管理体系认证、ISO14000国际环境管理体系认证和产品已通过国家3C强制性认证。 天欣科技产品主要规格有150*600mm、150*900mm、300*300mm、300*600mm、450*900mm、600*600mm、600*900mm、600*1200mm、800*800 mm、900*900mm等,种类有通体大理石、全抛釉、哑光砖、防滑砖、木纹砖、水泥砖、园林景观厚砖等。
建筑装饰· 涂料
· 陶瓷/马赛克
· 设计事务所
· 地面装饰材料
· 布艺软装/窗饰/装饰品/装饰五金
· 墙面装饰材料
· 装配式/快装
· 厨电/热水器/净水
· 户外休闲家具
· 门窗/遮阳
· 卫浴五金及配件
· 石材
· 整木家居及家具
· 新风系统/暖通制冷设备
· 集成房屋及配套设施
· 泳池桑拿/SPA水疗
· 顶面装饰材料
· 隔断/环保新材
· 木制品
· 园艺/户外景观建筑
· 调光玻璃
E6、智慧酒店及商业空间、智能门锁、影音系统、机器人、智能影音系统、智能客控系统、自助入住系统、酒店智能设备及整体解决方案、 IT 及安防、数据标识及导视系统、商业显示屏、音响及播放系统等;
E4、工程设计、装配式内装、集成吊顶系统;新风净化及空气治理 、暖通设备、热水及热泵管道设备 ;门窗及自动门;康体休闲、健身器材、康体 、亲子游乐、泳池设备等;
E1、卫浴及整体解决方案、整体浴室、智能马桶、浴室柜、淋浴房、智能浴镜、花洒、地漏五金、台面系统、 spa等;
斐梵家居用品有限公司是国内户外家具行业的引领性品牌,品牌总部位于上海浦东陆家嘴商城路889号。上海斐梵旗下的产品全部来自欧美一线品牌的中国制造商,如RH, Frontgate, Lexington, Fermob, Gardenart, Shademaker等原厂的时尚主流家具款式和设计,在经营十一年来,服务了包括上海养云安缦酒店,宁海安岚度假酒店,莫干山裸心堡/裸心谷度假酒店,杭州君悦酒店,庐山西海希尔顿格芮精选酒店,Club Med Joyview北戴河黄金海岸度假村,上海外滩华尔道夫酒店等众多的酒店业客户。