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作为 HOTEL & SHOP PLUS 上海国际酒店及商业空间博览会的重要组成部分,上海国际酒店工程设计与用品博览会是国内定位于酒店及商业空间行业的大型展会,展品覆盖陶瓷卫浴、石材五金、工程设计、软装布艺、室内设计、照明灯饰、智慧酒店、康体休闲、IT&安防、酒店用品、酒店布草等酒店及商业空间建设与运营所需产品。倾力打造酒店建设与运营的全系列解决方案和一站式采购平台。



The company's patented Crystal LED light source bulb is made of whole crystal. The light guiding effect of different crystal shapes is designed, and different aesthetic patterns are combined to reflect the crystal crystal clear, changeable and beautiful connotation. The unique crystal bulb is suitable for crystal chandelier light source, no main lamp design, decorative lighting, downlight, ceiling lamp, decorative wall background mosaic lighting, customized 3D pattern lighting wall lamp, porch corridor lamp, decorative desk lamp, personalized floor lamp, etc It improves the light luxury, simplicity and independent personalization of modern home furnishings. Cutting, pressing, grinding, drilling and other crystal production process, so that customers can directly understand the value of crystal products. The products are suitable for all kinds of hotels, hotels, villas, clubhouse projects, home decoration, commercial housing, various floors of decorative lighting. Crystal bulb decorative lighting with simple installation, clean, energy saving, environmental protection and safety advantages, won the favor of the majority of consumers. 

本公司专利产品水晶led光源灯泡,选用整块水晶制造,设计不同水晶造型的导光效果,组合不同的美学图案,体现水晶的晶莹剔透,变化多端,的内涵。独特的水晶灯泡适用在水晶吊灯光源,无主灯设计装饰照明筒灯天花灯,装饰墙背景拼花照明,个性化定制3D图案照明壁灯,玄关走廊灯,装饰台灯,个性化落地灯等……提升了现代家居的轻奢简约自主个性化。切割,压制,打磨,开孔等水晶生产工艺流程让客户直接了解水晶产品的工艺价值。产品适用全球各种酒店宾馆,别墅精装,会所工程,家装装饰,商品房各种楼层的装饰照明。水晶灯泡装饰 照明以 安装简单,清洁简单,节能环保安全等优势,赢得广大消费者的青睐

200,000㎡ 展示面积

121,410 买家

2100+ 展商

80+ 高峰论坛&活动

15+ 实景样板房

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