上海国际商业及工程照明展览会(Expo Lighting)是国内外享有盛誉的商业及工程照明展览会。由中国照明电器协会举办。主要涵盖酒店及商业空间的照明设计、智能控制等领域,同期举办的上海国际酒店工程设计与用品博览会及系列酒店展共同打造了“一站式酒店及商业空间筹建运营、照明设计、装饰选材的工程采购平台”,14万+设计师、酒管公司、地产商、业主方等终端买家,在现场寻找新的合作关系和商业未来。
上海国际商业及工程照明展Expo Lighting上届展会总面积210000平方米,参展企业3000家,参展人数达147166人。展会把握未来趋势,大力发展智能版块,为商照及智能市场构建一个品牌展示、交流及采购一站式平台。
上海国际商业及工程照明展Expo Lighting三雄极光、曼佳美、新特丽、汤石、西蒙电气、RIO、华艺、夏盟、明图、HDL、携住科技、T-Touchting百余家国内外优质照明、智控品牌企业等带来打造酒店及商业空间光影的创意新品及解决方案。
Suoyoung was founded at China Capital Lighting City –Guzhen in 2009 and has established itself as one of the leading lighting factories in China by combining design, manufacturing and sales under the one roof. Our factory is 10,000 sqm, and houses both our professional development team and leading lighting design team which allows us to serve the entire industry.Our mission is to provide the highest quality products to the industry and over the last eight years, our reputation has allowed our organization to complete local and international large-scale commercial and hotel projects. We have business partners all over the globe, such as the United States, Australia, Dubai and Europe.Since our business was established, we have been able to combine leading lighting technology with leading lighting design perfectly. Every one of our products is based on complimenting the lifestyles and desire of our consumers, and we continue to bring out a variety of lighting solutions to suit the needs of our consumers.
中山市硕洋灯饰有限公司成立于2009 年- 集设计,生产,销售为一体的高端灯饰品牌。 公司生产基地约2万平方米,拥有灯饰设计团队以 及现代化管理,行业的研发技术,坚持精益求精的“匠人精神”,完美 的打造 出无可比拟的精细工艺。 经过多年的市场拓展,硕洋销售遍面全球,并获得多项大型酒店工程以及更 多商业空间。