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2022 HOTELEX酒店及餐饮业大展

 上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会(HOTELEX Shanghai)是目前国内规模大、影响力强、品质高的酒店餐饮博览会之一。HOTELEX Shanghai旗下版块分别包括:餐饮设备、桌面用品、咖啡与茶、饮料综合、烹饪食材、烘焙、冰淇淋、葡萄酒与烈酒等主题展区,汇聚了来自中国内地、意大利、西班牙、美国、德国、日本及港澳台等国家和地区的展商。在这场堪称国内酒店餐饮业年度采购盛典的舞台上上演了集竞赛、展示、研讨及贸易配对等多重精彩纷呈的好戏,为国内及甚至国际酒店餐饮行业的蓬勃发展做出了不可估量的促进作用。

Coffee Equipment and Accessories, Coffee Brewing Apparatus and Accessories

咖啡设备及其配件, 咖啡冲泡器具及配件

Shanghai Penini import & export Co., Ltd. is the wholly owned subsidiary of Italy Penini S.R.L. in CHINA (Shanghai) . Penini is major in coffee machine ,coffee grinder and coffee makers' import and export between Europe Japan and China.

上海珮尼尼进出口贸易有限公司,PENINI S.R.L.在上海成立的全资子公司。 PENINI S.R.L.是意大利的咖啡企业,在意大利长期经营咖啡机,咖啡器具、咖啡豆粉等的批发与零售,拥有全欧洲进出口权。

Baking Equipment, Baking Raw Material, Baking Products, Coffee Equipment and Accessories, Coffee Brewing Apparatus and Accessories, Coffee Raw Materials and Related

烘焙设备, 烘焙原辅料, 烘焙成品, 咖啡设备及其配件, 咖啡冲泡器具及配件, 咖啡原物料及相关用品

Suzhou Simous Home Appliance Technology Co., Ltd. Belongs to Smartco group.Which is created by Steven Ku in 1980s in Los Angeles, America. Smartco group has a long history, also has a good reputation among Home Appliance, wine, food, ceramics, drinks, wooden Crafts and other areas.Smartco group devotes to researching professional coffee machine, coffee equipment, coffee beans and related products. Besides, Smartco focus on promoting coffee culture, built R & D team and laboratory in America.In 2016,Smartco group promote Brewista and Mavam Espresso to the whole Asia-Pacific, Suzhou Simous Home Appliance Technology Co., Ltd. became Marketing headquarters of Brewista, Mavam Espresso brands in Asia-Pacific .

苏州顺和丰家电科技有限公司隶属于Smartco集团, 上世纪80年代在美国洛杉矶创立,历史悠久,信誉卓越, 集团专注于研发精品咖啡机、咖啡器具、咖啡豆等相关产品,并致力于咖啡文化的推广, 在美囯拥有的研发团队及实验室。2016年,集团将brewista及Mavam Espresso品牌亚太地区唯一营销总部。


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