Buffet Equipment, Buffet Equipment, Kitchen Accessories Supplies
自助餐设备, 自助餐设备, 厨房辅助设备珠海市维那电子科技有限公司,成立于2014年,是一家集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的民营企业。本公司座落于美丽的海滨城市——珠海,占地面积3万多平方米,员工人数达到300多人,年产值达到1.8个多亿人民币。公司秉承着“以质量求生存,以创新求发展,为顾客服务,勇攀高峰”的经营理念,坚持""诚实守信""的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。
Media, Restaurant design, cleaning and furniture, IT & Security, Restaurant Uniforms, Wine Shelf, Wine Cellar, Refrigerator、Freezer、Cabinet, Ice Cream & Gelato, Coffee Equipment, Tea Equipment & Technology, Buffet Equipment, Buffet Equipment, Porcelain & Glass Tableware, Food Proeessing Machinery, Baking Equipment, Cooking Equipment, Kitchen Accessories Supplies, Dishwasher, Kitchen Environmental Protection Equipment, Central Kitchen Equipment and Accessory, Water Bar Equipment and Accessory
媒体, 餐厅设计、清洁及家具, 餐饮IT智能与安防设备, 餐厅服饰, 酒柜, 酒窖, 雪柜、冷柜、展柜, 冰激凌成品, 咖啡设备, 茶用设备及技术, 自助餐设备, 自助餐设备, 陶瓷.玻璃餐具, 食品加工机械, 烘焙设备, 烹饪设备, 厨房辅助设备, 洗碗机, 厨房环保设备, 中央厨房设备及相关配套, 水吧及配套产品
A Directory For Hotel, Restaurant and Catering Products & Services is a flagship platform for the industry brands. The distribution includes P.R. China, Hong Kong and Macau. Your company and brand information can reach the target customer groups directly, which include the hotel general managers, purchasers, chefs, restaurant owners, housekeeping supervisors, architects, designers and hotel developers etc. The finishing is fine and the reputation is strong. Reaching big customers and gaining huge business opportunities. Targeting the destination groups and getting instantly effect from advertisement.
这里,是一个行业品牌的旗舰传播平台 覆盖内陆及港澳地区的发行范围与您的终端客户亲密接触 让您的企业和品牌信息直面采购员、厨师、餐饮部主管、餐厅/饭店经理、建筑师、设计师等目标客户群体 精美装帧,强势出击,直面大客户,斩获无限商机 以的读者到达率,造就立竿见影的广告回报率
餐饮设备综合 桌面用品 火锅食材 连锁加盟 食品与饮料 咖啡与茶 烘焙与冰激凌 葡头酒与烈酒 客房电器及用品 酒店布草及纺织品 餐厅设计装饰 酒店IT与安防设备 康体健身与休闲娱乐 景观建筑 酒店清洁 酒店家具