Spain XRK sunflower cooking oil is originally produced by a Spanish famous brand factory founded in 1840. For one hunderd years,its sales volume has ranked in Spain for successive years and products have been distributed to more than 100 countries.This famous brand factory specializes in production of high quality cooking oil,mainly single series of high-end products such as sunflower oil and olive oil.It is one of the early manufacturers of cooking oil,featured with personalized products and services.And it has grown into a well-known brand enterprise in the cooking oil industry by providi
Zhejiang Jiannuo import and Export Co., Ltd. mainly deals in Turkey "love sun. Yongjia" non genetically modified corn oil / sunflower oil / mustard oil, and is currently the only general agent in China. The product specification is 1L / 1.8/3l/4l/5l. It is also equipped with two bottles of gift box / gift bag.
建诺进出口有限公司主要经营土耳其“爱太阳.雍家”非转基因玉米油/葵花油/芥花籽油,目前是中国中国总代理。爱太阳雍家油品纯正,百分百非转基因,一级压榨工艺,产品规格有1L/1.8/3L/4L/5L, 还配套有两瓶装礼盒/礼袋。
1糖果、巧克力、乳制品、面包糕点、果汁、软饮料、罐装食品、休闲食品、冷藏食品、调味品及果酱、风干食品、冷冻食品、水果蔬菜、美味食品、绿色及保健食品、冰淇淋 /意式冰淇淋、添加剂、橄榄油、意大利面制品、专用标签产品
2鱼、蟹、贝壳、龙虾、三文鱼、牛肉、牛肉、羊肉、猪肉、家禽、清真肉、内脏制品、内脏制品、加工肉制品、加工肉制 品、加工海洋制品
3茶、糖浆、白咖啡、速溶咖啡、咖啡豆、咖啡机、烘豆机、零配件、低温发酵啤酒、麦酒、黑啤酒 / 烈性黑啤酒、小麦啤酒、手工啤酒
4包装材料、食品餐饮设备、比萨饼设备、餐具及配件、展示及储藏、冷冻 / 冷藏设备、咖啡及饮料服务设备、工业用面包及糖果设备、配料 / 防腐剂 / 香精、面包糕点及糖果制成品、零售用面包及糖果设备等
FHC作为优质全进口食品贸易盛会,所有参展商或来自国外企业或是在华制造商或代理商。其中超过半数以上的买家来自上海阜外,FHC 是真正服务于中国市场的国际性展会。 上届展会吸引了 91,301位贸易观众莅临参观,较去年同比增长9%, 展会也凸显了对海内外观众的吸引力。观众数据分析表明42%的观众来自上海埠外,9%来自海外。展会共有来自60个国家的3,000家企业,国家展团43个。