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Tech G -2021上海国际消费电子技术展(Tech G)

近年来,消费电子行业的蓬勃发展对展示交流提出了更高需求。基于此,上海市国际贸易促进委员会下属上海国展展览中心有限公司与美国消费技术协会合作主办了亚洲消费电子展(CES ASIA),并成功将其打造成亚洲规模大、发快、专业化程度高的科技盛会之一。受疫情等因素影响,美国消费技术协会今年7月决定退出主办

上海市国际贸易促进委员会决定携手中国电子商会和中国电子音响行业协会举办 Tech G 这一科技盛会。 


覆盖消费技术全生态链的 19 个产品类别将得到展示,包括 5G、人工智能、AR/VR、汽车 技术、移动通信、音视频、半导体芯片、物联网、智能家居、智能穿戴、智慧办公、智慧 零售、游戏及娱乐、无人机、机器人、内容和在线平台、绿色科技、健康及运动科技、初 创企业


Located in Taiwan’s Changhua County, E-Lead was Established in 1983, and was later on the Taiwan’s Stock Exchange on February 4, 2002. After 30 years of continued development, E-Lead has successfully created innovative products to compete in the Head Unit Infotainment/ Navigation System, Rear-seat Entertainment, Car Sensor and Accessories, and "other electronic car accessory" markets. E-Lead’s goal is to provide products that provide information to customers to ensure their safety as well as adapt to their changing needs. Currently, E-Lead’s head office, R&D, manufacturing plants and main marketing office are located in Changhua, Taiwan; another manufacturing plant in Suzhou, China; and a branch company in Samutprakarn, Thailand. The branch company is the start of a global service center project. E-Lead hopes to become a multinational corporation and through strategic alliances with local companies.


Aiello is an AI startup established by former Googlers and As we believe that voice is the next generation interface for human computer interaction, we aim for developing an end to end AI voice open platform to enhance business operations and user experience in the hospitality and travel industry. With Aiello's customized AI voice assistant and cloud, hotels not only improve their operating efficiency and services, but also create a unique brand voice that reaches every traveler throughout their journey.



政府端 政府采购、园区采购、政策制定者、商贸团体、协会

产业端 文旅、地产、教育、金融、生产制造、医疗

市场端 经销代理商、潮品店、门店

专业观众 科技从业者、发烧友、极客、院校师生




Tech G 旨在打造面向亚太及全球市场的科技行业盛会,将集中展示地区横跨不同市场的消费技术成果展览将于2021年10月14日至16日在上海新国际博览中心举办,面积将达4万平方米,邀请约400家国内外科技企业参展,3万余名专业人士参观。
