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2021年上海博华酒店用展/厨房辅助设备, 中央厨房设备展览会



饮品, 厨房辅助设备, 中央厨房设备及相关配套

Since 1988, BES Group is the global leader in electrolytic technology. Coverting water to ultra pure ozone gas and hydrogen gas is our core technology. Series products included in Food Safety & Sanitation, Healthy Environment, Clean Water, and Sanitation & Wellness. All products and components are tested for high performance, safety, and reliability with required certifications from goverment agencies and leading 3rd party labs.

创立于1988 年,百特环保科技BES Group 是利用水(H2O) 为原料应用质子交换膜PEM 将水电解分离生成臭氧(O3) 和氢气(H2) 为核心科技的国际。我们的系列产品包含食品安全与卫生、健康的环境、洁净的水与家庭防疫保健等行业领域,凭着对于产品的性能、耐用度、安全性的执着,产品皆透过国际的第三方单位和机构测试认证。

餐厅设计、清洁及家具, 烹饪食材, 烘焙原料

MTFI specialize in manufacturing Shell Calcium Oxide. Shell Calcium Oxide is for washing fruits and vegetables, bakery and other processed food.Shell Calcium Oxide is natural food grade ingredient for products in a wide range of categories- from cleaning agent, bakery, seafood, noodle, meat, konjac, soup, dairy, drinks to industry gums and agriculture. Shell Calcium Oxide is the so-called “Alkaloid.” It has the pH value above 11 and very strong oxidizing power. Most importantly, it is non-toxic and safe to human body. With its oxidizing power, it can inhibit the growth of micro-organism.

仲暘企業有限公司本著幫食品工廠解決問題的初衷,以及誠信為本,品質的經營理念,我們不斷地研發各種天然食品原料的特性,提供客戶較健康自然的解決方案。 仲暘企業專產天然殺菌劑-貝殼钙。貝殼鈣可應用於蔬果清洗殺菌及烘焙等食品加工。另外提供天然洗衣、餐具、爐具、設備及管線清洗等天然清洗劑,可達殺菌、除臭、去腥及去鏽等效果。






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