Tech G 展会现场将设立初创企业展区,为初创企业搭建一个产业创新跨界交流的平台。国内外初创企业将汇聚于此,展示其卓越创新成果。期间,主办方也将根据需求,为企业组织对接。
Aliteam Inc. have been designing and manufacturing headphones and microphones since 2000. We do our tooling internally. We have our own designs of models. Every year, we will come up with new designs for clients' selections. Complete product line, from personal use, family, gaming, automotive, noise, communications and so on.
Allwinner Technology is a leading fabless designer dedicated to intelligent application SoC, high performance analog component and wireless connectivity IC. The products powered by Allwinner spread across from smart hardware, tablet, smart home, connected automotive, robotics, virtual reality, OTT box, power management/ analog component, wireless communication module to intelligent IoT.
Tech G 特设“上海国际消费电子技术展创新奖”,致力于从专业的行业视角出发,全方位观测消费电子行业,评选出过去一年中具创新思维的产品,奖项涉及的产品门类包括智能出行、智能家居、机器人、无人机、音频产品、视频设备、虚拟现实/增强现实、健康运动、休闲娱乐、配件产品等。
Tech G2021上海国际消费电子技术展2021.10.14-16(3日) 上海新国际博览中心