上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会(HOTELEX Shanghai)是目前国内规模大、影响力强、品质高的酒店餐饮博览会之一。HOTELEX Shanghai旗下专业版块分别包括:餐饮设备、桌面用品、咖啡与茶、饮料综合、烹饪食材、烘焙、冰淇淋、葡萄酒与烈酒等主题展区
Restaurant design simplified. Most interior design companies are after big projects with bigger budgets. Canmou is an interior design studio who provides a big company service, tailored to small budgets. After working for years with large and small companies from China and around the world we’ve realized we want to work with clients that serious about what they do, have fire in their belly and are ready to invest in their venture. Our process is simplified so clients don’t have to pay for services they don’t need. Its restaurant interior design, simplified.
让餐厅设计流程高效简化! 多数设计公司都追求规模大,预算高的项目。餐谋是专为小企业量身定制的室内设计工作室,让您以经济的预算,享受优质的服务。经过多年与大小餐饮企业合作,我们希望为更多认真,有志向的餐饮企业和创业者服务,成为他们的伙伴。我们简化了餐厅设计流程,令服务高效,替客户节省不必要的开支。让设计流程更高效简化, 就这么简单!